A new journey with PHP, again!

Posted by on March 14, 2019

I spent my last 11 years working for Zend Technologies contributing to PHP with the open source projects Apigility, Expressive, Simple Cloud API and Zend Framework.

During this period, I wrote hundreds of thousands lines of code, I provided consultancy for enterprise companies around the world, I presented 70+ talks in international conferences across 15 countries, I wrote 3 books about PHP and Javascript and I co-founded the PHP User Group of Turin (Italy), which today has 100+ participants.

I had been very lucky to achieve all these goals! I have to thanks all my colleagues in Zend and all the PHP community. It has been an amazing period, I learned a lot working with an incredible team of people like Matthew Weier O'Phinney, Zeev Suraski, Dmitry Stogov, Adam Culp, Slavey Karadzhov, Andi Gutmans (now in AWS) and more.

Some months ago, I wrote about the future of Zend Framework. There are some big news coming in the next weeks. There will be a (new) future for the Framework and other related projects and I'll continue to contribute, as volunteer. Stay tuned!


That said, here the big news for me. I'm very happy to announce that starting from next Monday (March 18), I'll join Elastic as Principal Software Engineer. I'll be responsible for the PHP libraries of Elasticsearch and other products.

This means, I'll continue to work in the open source business and I'll continue to develop in PHP (mainly).

I'm very excited and honored to join Elastic, a 100% open source company and I feel lucky to remain in the PHP community, continuing to focus on open source.

This is a new journey for me but somehow I feel already at home!