Here is reported a list of my academic and technical articles.
- E. Zimuel. Programming Elasticsearch with PHP, php[architect], Vol 20, Issue 7, July 2021, p. 3-12, ISSN 1709-7169 (Read the article)
- E. Zimuel. Cryptography best practices in PHP, php[architect], Vol 16, Issue 5, May 2017, p. 16-20, ISSN 1709-7169 (Read the article)
- E. Zimuel. Encryption and authentication in PHP 7, Software Developer’s Journal, Vol 6. No 2, Issue Feb 2017. ISSN 1734-3933 (Read the article)
- S. Basso, J. C. De Martin, G. Futia, E. Zimuel. The NeuViz Data Visualization Tool for Visualizing Internet-Measurements Data, Mondo Digitale, n. 49, ISSN 1720-898X, 2014 (Read the article)
- E. Zimuel. Speed up Joomla! with Zend Server Free Edition., Software Developer’s Journal, Vol. 2, No. 15, Issue 15/2013. ISSN 1734-3933
- S. Basso, J. C. De Martin, G. Futia, E. Zimuel. Visualizing Internet-Measurements Data for Research Purposes: the NeuViz Data Visualization Tool, Proceedings of 50th Congresso Nazionale AICA, ISBN 9788898091164, 2013 (Read the article)
- E. Zimuel. Cryptography in PHP. How to protect sensitive data in PHP using cryptography, Web & PHP Magazine. Issue 2/2012, p. 16-23 (Read the article)
- L. Afanasiev, M. Franceschet, M. Marx, E. Zimuel. XCheck: a platform for benchmarking XQuery engines (demonstration), Proceedings of the 32nd international conference on Very large data bases, VLDB 2006, Seoul, Korea, p. 1247-1250, 2006. (Read the article in Pdf 362 Kb)
- M. Franceschet, E. Zimuel. A logic-based approach to cache answerability for XPath queries, 4th International XML Database Symposium, XSym 2006, Seoul, Korea. Database and XML Technologies, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 4156, Springer Edizioni, p. 46-60, 2006. (Read the article in Pdf 170 Kb)
- M. Franceschet, E. Zimuel. Modal logic and navigational XPath: an experimental comparison, Proceedings of the 4th Workshop Methods for Modalities, M4M 2005, p. 156-172, 2005. (Read the article in Pdf 143 Kb)
- M. Franceschet, E. Zimuel. Modal logic and navigational XPath: an experimental comparison, Technical Report R-2005-001, Science Department, University “G.D’Annunzio” of Chieti – Pescara, pagg 40, 2005. (Read the report in Pdf 217 Kb)
- E. Zimuel. Risoluzione efficiente di interrogazioni XPath su documenti XML con attributi e riferimenti, Thesis degree (in Italian). University “G.D’Annunzio” di Chieti – Pescara, 2005 (Read the Thesis in Pdf 632 Kb)
- E. Zimuel. Introduzione alla crittografia open source, Linux & Co. (in Italian), Piscopo Publisher, Num. 27-28, ISSN 1129-2296, 2002. (Read the article in Pdf 415 Kb)
- E. Zimuel. Introduzione alla crittografia e alla crittoanalisi, Ciberspazio e Diritto – Cyberspace and Law (in Italian), Vol. 3, Num. III/IV, p. 533-545, 2001, Mucchi Publisher, Modena
- E. Zimuel. La scienza delle scritture segrete, Computer Programming (in Italian), Num. 73, Infomedia Publisher, ISSN 1123-8526, 1998.
- E. Zimuel. Speciale VGA: la programmazione della scheda grafica, Computer Programming (in Italian), Num. 13, Infomedia Publisher, ISSN 1123-8526, 1993. (Read the article in Pdf 14 MB)
- E. Zimuel. Gestione risorse, gestione del buffer di tastiera, Computer Programming (in Italian), Num. 12, Infomedia Publisher, ISSN 1123-8526, 1993.
- E. Zimuel. Speciale sul mouse: una unit in Turbo Pascal per la gestione del mouse, Computer Programming (in Italian), Num. 9, Infomedia Publisher, ISSN 1123-8526, 1992.
- E. Zimuel. Programmare il mouse, Computer Programming (in Italian), Num. 5-6, Infomedia Publisher, ISSN 1123-8526, 1992.
- A. Taronna, E. Zimuel. Sistemi e microprocessori 8-16/32 bit, Computer Programming (in Italian), Num. 4, Infomedia Publisher, ISSN 1123-8526, 1992.
- E. Zimuel. Memoria video: esplorando la memoria video, Computer Programming (in Italian), Num. 3, Infomedia Publisher, ISSN 1123-8526, 1991.