Benchmarking PHP 8.2

Faster and faster Posted by on December 14, 2022

The PHP team has released PHP 8.2.0 on 8 Dec 2022. This version contains many new features like readonly classes, Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF) types, new "Random" extension, constants in traits, etc.

I was curios to benchmark the execution time of this release compared with the previous ones until PHP 7.4.33, that recently became unsupported on 28 Nov 2022.

I used the Zend/bench.php script to run the experiment, getting the total execution times. This script is included with the PHP source code and it was created for testing the language using some math operators, nested loops, array, strings and recursive functions.

I used the latest PHP versions available, as follows:

I executed the experiment using an 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-11950H CPU @ 2.60GHz, with 32GB RAM, HD SSD running Linux Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS.

For the PHP 8 versions, I also executed the Zend/bench.php script using the Just In Time compiler (JIT). I used the following command:

php -dopcache.enable_cli=1 -dopcache.jit_buffer_size=256M path/to/Zend/bench.php   

If you are not familiar with the JIT feature of PHP 8, I suggest to read this excellent article.


Here the results (in seconds) for each PHP versions:

PHP 8.2.0

simple             0.005
simplecall         0.002
simpleucall        0.006
simpleudcall       0.008
mandel             0.036
mandel2            0.038
ackermann(7)       0.009
ary(50000)         0.002
ary2(50000)        0.002
ary3(2000)         0.018
fibo(30)           0.031
hash1(50000)       0.003
hash2(500)         0.004
heapsort(20000)    0.011
matrix(20)         0.011
nestedloop(12)     0.009
sieve(30)          0.006
strcat(200000)     0.002
Total              0.200

PHP 8.2.0 + JIT

simple             0.001
simplecall         0.000
simpleucall        0.000
simpleudcall       0.000
mandel             0.005
mandel2            0.006
ackermann(7)       0.004
ary(50000)         0.002
ary2(50000)        0.001
ary3(2000)         0.004
fibo(30)           0.009
hash1(50000)       0.002
hash2(500)         0.002
heapsort(20000)    0.004
matrix(20)         0.002
nestedloop(12)     0.002
sieve(30)          0.002
strcat(200000)     0.001
Total              0.047

PHP 8.1.13

simple             0.005
simplecall         0.002
simpleucall        0.006
simpleudcall       0.008
mandel             0.036
mandel2            0.038
ackermann(7)       0.009
ary(50000)         0.003
ary2(50000)        0.002
ary3(2000)         0.020
fibo(30)           0.030
hash1(50000)       0.003
hash2(500)         0.003
heapsort(20000)    0.010
matrix(20)         0.011
nestedloop(12)     0.010
sieve(30)          0.006
strcat(200000)     0.002
Total              0.203    

PHP 8.1.13 + JIT

simple             0.001
simplecall         0.000
simpleucall        0.000
simpleudcall       0.000
mandel             0.005
mandel2            0.006
ackermann(7)       0.004
ary(50000)         0.002
ary2(50000)        0.001
ary3(2000)         0.005
fibo(30)           0.009
hash1(50000)       0.002
hash2(500)         0.002
heapsort(20000)    0.004
matrix(20)         0.003
nestedloop(12)     0.002
sieve(30)          0.002
strcat(200000)     0.001
Total              0.049

PHP 8.0.26

simple             0.005
simplecall         0.002
simpleucall        0.006
simpleudcall       0.008
mandel             0.037
mandel2            0.041
ackermann(7)       0.009
ary(50000)         0.003
ary2(50000)        0.002
ary3(2000)         0.019
fibo(30)           0.033
hash1(50000)       0.003
hash2(500)         0.004
heapsort(20000)    0.011
matrix(20)         0.012
nestedloop(12)     0.011
sieve(30)          0.006
strcat(200000)     0.002
Total              0.216

PHP 8.0.26 + JIT

simple             0.001
simplecall         0.000
simpleucall        0.000
simpleudcall       0.000
mandel             0.005
mandel2            0.006
ackermann(7)       0.004
ary(50000)         0.002
ary2(50000)        0.001
ary3(2000)         0.005
fibo(30)           0.009
hash1(50000)       0.002
hash2(500)         0.002
heapsort(20000)    0.004
matrix(20)         0.003
nestedloop(12)     0.002
sieve(30)          0.002
strcat(200000)     0.001
Total              0.049

PHP 7.4.33

simple             0.009
simplecall         0.002
simpleucall        0.007
simpleudcall       0.009
mandel             0.041
mandel2            0.043
ackermann(7)       0.009
ary(50000)         0.003
ary2(50000)        0.002
ary3(2000)         0.021
fibo(30)           0.032
hash1(50000)       0.004
hash2(500)         0.004
heapsort(20000)    0.011
matrix(20)         0.012
nestedloop(12)     0.015
sieve(30)          0.007
strcat(200000)     0.002
Total              0.232

I represented the execution time on a chart for each PHP versions (lower is better):

As you can see, PHP 8.2.0 is the fastest with 0.200 sec and PHP 7.4.33 is the slowest with 0.232 sec.

If you enable the JIT compiler (available only from 8.0.0) the execution time is reduced by 80%. That said, we know the JIT can be useful only for CPU-intensive applications.

Typically, a web application is not CPU-intensive and the usage of JIT can potentially degrade performance, giving the opposite effect.

If we compare the execution time of PHP 8.2.0 with other versions (without JIT), we discover that is:

  • 15% faster than PHP 7.4.33;
  • 8% faster than PHP 8.0.26;
  • same of PHP 8.1.13;

The results show that the performance improvement of PHP 8.2 is quite significant (15%) compared with PHP 7.4.33.

Another important results is the performance trend, the PHP team did a great job improving the execution time on each release, this is not a simple task considering also the amount of new features added to the language.